“Americans love our oversized portions. Whether supersizing fries or signing up for a labyrinthine cable TV package, U.S. residents often mistakenly correlate “bigger” with “better.” Recent SFUAD grad and filmmaker Jehad N. Al-Khateeb’s 2016 indie short “A Town Called...
“An interesting look into the effects of a religious dictatorship and censorship and the loneliness that that may force upon individuals. A Town Called Theocracy is both poignant and entertaining. The tone of the film is undeniably dark yet the humour and...
“A town called theocracy is a humorous tale about a town where films are illegal, and the lone theatre attendant attempting to keep the memory alive. It makes an interesting commentary on Society seen through the guise of a super religious town. Overall I really...
“I thought this film was surprisingly good and I think it should be included in the Film fest. Not only was the film pretty funny, it also had substance and meaning that is related to our lives today. This film also had great post editing and pretty good...
“Another prime candidate for Best of Fest. Every facet of this film was masterfully executed; from the directing to the cinematography to the fantastic acting, this film has all the makings of an award-winning short. I loved how self-aware this film was, and the...
“Visually, the film is really good. There is a stylised, colourful quality to the setting and styling that is visually pleasing. The shots are well framed and make the short aesthetically engaging. The premise is interesting and the plot is gratifying,...
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